26 February 2011

26/02/2011 Saturday

It is really hard to go through a preparation perion for the qualificaiton exam. Although I had planned what to study previously, I couldn't have started studying. Today, at the end, I organized my notes, organized my desktop, revised my study plan and studied.
  • How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education (initial chapters)
  • Cilesiz, S. (in press). A phenomenological approach to experiences with technology: Current state, promise, and future directions for research. Educational Technology Research and Development. 
I really admired Şebnem Çilesiz (check out her web page) for her work. I wonder, whether I can write such a smooth, readable and valuable paper one day?

To be continued...

18 January 2011

I started to Study for the qualification exam

I have previously studied Creswell's book. I have a copy in my bookshelf.
It is really nice to have an online resource.

Although I often think about giving up my doctoral study (!) I decided to start to study for the qualification exam. It is time. Let's get stated with research and statistics.